In the world of software development, architectural patterns play a critical role in ensuring that applications are maintainable, testable, and scalable. One such architectural pattern that has gained significant traction over the years is Hexagonal Architecture, also known as Ports and Adapters Architecture. At SPT Development, we embrace this architecture to create robust and flexible software solutions. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into Hexagonal Architecture and demonstrate its implementation using our SPT Development Demo code base.

What is Hexagonal Architecture?

Hexagonal Architecture, introduced by Alistair Cockburn, is an architectural style that aims to create loosely coupled application components that can be easily connected to their software environment through ports and adapters. This approach encourages separation of concerns, making it easier to manage changes and extend functionality.

Key Principles

  1. Independence of Frameworks: The business logic (core) of the application should be independent of external frameworks, making it adaptable to changes in technology.
  2. Separation of Concerns: The architecture separates the core logic from the infrastructure code, ensuring that each part of the system has a clear responsibility.
  3. Ease of Testing: With the business logic decoupled from external dependencies, unit testing becomes straightforward and more reliable.

Hexagonal Architecture in Action: SPT Development Demo

Our SPT Development Demo project showcases a simple, but practical, implementation of Hexagonal Architecture. Let’s explore how this architecture is structured within the demo application.

Core Concepts

  1. Domain Layer: This layer contains the business logic and domain entities. It is completely independent of any external systems or frameworks.
  2. Ports: These are interfaces that define the primary operations required by the core domain. They act as an entry point for external systems to interact with the business logic.
  3. Adapters: Adapters implement the ports and contain the infrastructure code to connect the domain logic to external systems like databases, web services, and user interfaces.

Project Structure

The project is organized into several key packages:

  • domain: Contains the core business logic and entities.
  • application: Includes service classes and use cases, which orchestrate the business logic.
  • adapters: Houses the implementation of ports and connects to external systems such as databases or APIs.
  • config: Contains configuration files and settings for the application.

Domain Layer

In the domain package, you will find the core entities and business rules. For example:


Ports are defined as interfaces in the application layer:


Adapters implement the ports and contain the infrastructure code. For example, a persitence gateway adapter:


The config package manages the application configuration, ensuring that dependencies are correctly wired together:

Benefits of Hexagonal Architecture

  1. Maintainability: The clear separation of concerns makes it easier to maintain and extend the application.
  2. Testability: With the core logic isolated, writing unit tests for the business logic is straightforward and less error-prone.
  3. Flexibility: Adapters allow the application to interact with various external systems without changing the core logic.


Hexagonal Architecture offers a powerful way to design software that is maintainable, testable, and flexible. At SPT Development, we leverage this architecture to build robust applications that can adapt to changing requirements and technologies. Our SPT Development Demo provides a simple example of how Hexagonal Architecture could be implemented in a real-world project.

We encourage you to explore the demo code base, experiment with it, and see firsthand the benefits of Hexagonal Architecture. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us at SPT Development. Happy coding!